Emergency Medicine Association of Tamil Nadu-Puducherry Organized its 2nd Annual State Level Academic Conference titled EM-Sangamam.
The second Annual State Level Conference of Emergency Medicine named as – EM SANGAMAM signified multidisciplinary teamwork in emergency medical care with the EM Specialist at the helm while dealing with life and death situations.
The Emergency Medicine Association (EMA) India, Academic College of Emergency Experts of India (ACEE), and INDUSEM spearheaded this landmark conference under the leadership of Dr. Gomathi Karmegam, HOD-I/C Department of Emergency Medicine, RGGGH championed by EMA Tamil Nadu-Puducherry Undersecretary Dr. R. Surendar, HOD-I/C Assistant Professor, Department Of Emergency Medicine, IGMC & RI Puducherry.
The theme of the conference was “STRENGHTHENING EMERGENCY CARE- HOLDING HANDS TOGETHER AND SAVING LIVES”. This deeply resonates with the need for constant improvements and adaptations in evolving EM. We were fascinated to have renowned speakers from all across the country who shared their insights and experiences. The program covered a wide range of topics, from fundamental resuscitation science to cutting-edge procedures adding to recent advent in ED procedures like REBOA TEE Hemofiltration & ECMO. This conclave held in two streams – Basic Stream, for undergraduates, Interns and paramedics and Advanced stream, for post-graduates and consultants.
On day 2 hands on workshop was conducted in two streams. The topics and workshops were designed in such a way that it ensured Hands-On skills through AI simulation mannequins and case-scenarios. The conference was attended by around 200+ participants from all over South India. Both the conference and workshops were well received by all the participants.
Some of the highlights of the conference were Aviation Medicine, Artificial Intelligence integrated ventilation, Wilderness medicine, cutting edge discussions on Hemo-dialysis, Trauma simulation, ECMO and dedicated HANDS-ON demonstration on Transoesophageal echocardiogram.
Case- scenario based discussions and evidence based scientific sessions were very much appreciated by the delegates. E-poster presentation was also conducted where many postgraduates participated enthusiastically. This was followed by a grand Banquet dinner to thank all of their participation.
The Conference as inaugurated in presence of Principal Secretary Mr. Gagandeep Singh IAS and Dr. Theranirajan Dean MMC.
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The INDUSEM mission is to envision and implement the future of Patient Care across the world. The partnership brings together Expert Educators, Inquisitive Innovators and Physicians supporting Safe Patient Care across India, United States and the World. INDUSEM is the Top International Partnership across the World and brings together Institutions, Individuals and Initiatives focused on improving patient care globally. Till date INDUSEM has reached over 50,000 Experts and its reach continues to grow daily. For more information visit www.indusem.org
About EMA
The Emergency Medicine Association was founded in 2015 during the INDUSEM2015 World Congress of Academic Emergency Medicine (WACEM) in New Delhi. EMA is the official voice of competent Emergency Experts, working towards provision of quality emergency care in India. The EMA is an organized Guild of Emergency Leaders in Health and Medicine, focused on developing, practicing and progressing Emergency Medicine. EMA has a strong relation with partner organizations, individuals and institutions across the world, which are geared towards potentiating growth. EMA has the support of the INDO-US Emergency and Trauma Collaborative, the Academic College of Emergency Experts in India and the Academic for Clinical Emergency Nursing in India. For More Information: www.emaindia.net
About ACEE
The Academic College of Emergency Experts was established by Leaders of INDUSEM to create a guild of expert clinicians who are have a mastery at providing safe patient care with high quality therapeutics based on latest evidence based medicine. The only Unique College in Asia ACEE only bestows affiliation after a rigorous coaching and testing process hereby maintaining its high standards of commitment to education and excellence. It surpasses the erstwhile ideology of existing academic colleges where affiliation is based on recommendation. There are multiple pathways to be a Fellow of the College namely Emergency Medicine, Emergency Pediatrics. Toxicology, Emergency Nursing Pathway etc. For More Information. Visit www.acee-india.org
About Madras Medical College
Madras medical college (MMC) established in 1835 is one of the oldest medical colleges in India as well as Asia. Also known as Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, it accommodates nearly 2700+ beds and receives an average of 12,000 outpatients every day from all over Tamil Nadu and nearby states. It has 1250+ undergraduate students and postgraduates in 26 broad specialities and 23 super specialities. Nursing courses and paramedic training is also being conducted at MMC. The department of Emergency medicine was started in 2017 at RGGGH. In 2020, as per G.O 425, Professor, Associate Professor and assistant Professors were assigned from 5 specialities namely, General medicine, General Surgery, Anaesthesia, orthopaedics and Thoracic medicine. In 2021, License of Permission for 5 Emergency Medicine MD Postgraduates was obtained and the very first batch of MD EM postgraduates joined in 2022. Our hospital is the first in the government sector to have a full-fledged ED with 5 zones – triage and red zone with 7 beds, yellow zone with 23 beds, green zone with 7 beds and black zone which can accommodate 3 stretchers. Every zone has 3 staff nurses in 3 different shifts along with multipurpose workers and stretcher bearers. In 2021, with the support of World Bank, TNHSP and NHM, online entry of patients was started as “Trauma Registry” which included Pre-arrival Intimation as well wherein a patient can be tracked from point of pickup to discharge from any hospital in Tamilnadu. For More Information: www.mmu.ac.in