Written by INDUS MED NEWS    21 August, 2024    11:58 pm .

Raksha Bandhan – Suraksha Bandhan OBSERVED was celebrated across BHARAT by INDUSEM Leaders on 19th August 2024.

INDUSEM Leaders across BHARAT observed Raksha Bandhan-Suraksha Bandhan with solidarity and commitment in the light of the gruesome violent death of our colleague.

Raksha or Suraksha mean protection, and Bandhan means bond.

As emergency medicine clinicians, we protect and advocate for our patients in their most vulnerable period, 24/7 and that is the bond we form with them.

We the Emergency Medicine Specialists are the RAKSHA KAVACH for all patients in emergencies all the time.

Do you know why we celebrate Raksha Bandhan?

In the Mahabharata, Draupadi tore a piece of fabric from her sari and tied it around Lord Krishna’s injured finger. In return, Lord Krishna promised that he would protect Draupadi when she needed it, and he lived up to his promise.

Leaders of the Emergency Medicine Association of India and the Academic College of Emergency Experts in India, from across the country, observed the 3rd Raksha Bandhan – Suraksha Bandhan on August 19th, 2024, by tying RAKHIS to their patients as symbolism of their promise to protect, care for, and advocate for them 24/7.

INDUSEM leaders in ACEE and EMA India follow the principle every day and recognize this on the Raksha Bandhan Day every year.

INDUSEM Thanks its leaders across India for Observing RAKSHA BANDHAN-SURAKSHA BANDHAN with solidarity as we condemn violence of all kinds in the BHARAT of MAHATMA GANDHI.

As it is expected that Emergency Medicine Specialists serve as the frontline of health security for all hospitals and health systems and patients of the world, similarly we the Doctors expects similar security of our own physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Raksha Bandhan – Suraksha Bandhan is the brainchild of INDUSEM CEO and ACEE President, Dr. Sagar Galwankar.

Be Blessed on Raksha Bandhan-Suraksha Bandhan!

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Click here to RAKSHA Bandhan SURAKSHA Bandhan 2024 Gallery


The INDUSEM mission is to envision and implement the future of Patient Care across the world. The partnership brings together Expert Educators, Inquisitive Innovators and Physicians supporting Safe Patient Care across India, United States and the World. INDUSEM is the Top International Partnership across the World and brings together Institutions, Individuals and Initiatives focused on improving patient care globally. Till date INDUSEM has reached over 50,000 Experts and its reach continues to grow daily. For more information, visit www.indusem.org