ICC and ACEE Pick up the Pace

Written by INDUS MED NEWS    7 March, 2017    1:32 am .

The Academic Leaders from Indian College of Cardiology (ICC), The Academic College of Emergency Experts (ACEE) in India and INDUSEM came together to ink the First Ever Interdisciplinary Guidelines on Management of Chest Pain in Emergency Departments across India.

Published in The Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock 2017; 10: 74-81

Two Major Academic Organizations from Cardiology and Emergency Medicine have collaborated to debate and develop a consensus on Managing Low Risk Chest Pain in Emergency Departments in India Based on scientific evidence. The Guidelines will also be published in the Journal of Indian College of Cardiology JICC.

As per the PaperThere have been no published recommendations for the management of low-risk chest pain in emergency departments (EDs) across India. This is despite the fact that chest pain continues to be one of the most common presenting complaints in EDs. Risk stratification of patients utilizing an accelerated diagnostic protocol has been shown to decrease hospitalizations by approximately 40% with a low 30-day risk of major adverse cardiac events. The experts group of academic leaders from the Indian College of Cardiology and Academic College of Emergency Experts in India partnered with academic experts in emergency medicine and cardiology from leading institutions in the UK and USA collaborated to study the scientific evidence and make recommendations to guide emergency physicians working in EDs across India.”

“Academic Leaders from ICC namely Padmashree Dr. CN Manjunath, Dr. PrabhakarHosad and INDUSEM Leader Dr. Vivek Chauhan played key roles in bringing the Consensus to Conclusion. ICC and ACEE are Natural Partners as India pushes the Development of Quality Emergency Care. This Publication by ICC and ACEE heralds the birth of a New Partnership between Academic Cardiologists and Academic Emergency Physicians in India.” Said INDUSEM CEO Dr. SagarGalwankar

The Detailed Article:


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The INDUSEM mission is to envision and implement the future of Patient Care across the world. The partnership brings together Expert Educators, Inquisitive Innovators and Physicians supporting Safe Patient Care across India, United States and the World. INDUSEM is the Top International Partnership across the World and brings together Institutions, Individuals and Initiatives focused on improving patient care globally. Till date INDUSEM has reached over 50,000 Experts and its reach continues to grow daily. For more information, visit www.indusem.org

About ACEE

The Academic College of Emergency Experts was established by Leaders of INDUSEM to create a guild of expert clinicians who are have a mastery at providing safe patient care with high quality therapeutics based on latest evidence based medicine. The only Unique College in Asia ACEE only bestows affiliation after a rigorous coaching and testing process hereby maintaining its high standards of commitment to education and excellence. It surpasses the erstwhile ideology of existing academic colleges where affiliation is based on recommendation. The College offers its Fellowship in various areas of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Pediatrics. Toxicology, Emergency Nursing etc. For More Information, Visit www.acee-india.org

About ICC

This Indian College of Cardiology was founded in the year 1994 with its head quarters at Bangalore. Since then it is growing steadily in membership and spreading its objectives across the country and abroad. ICC conducts academic meetings, CMEs and public education programs all over India on a regular basis. The official Journal of Indian College of Cardiology (JICC) publishes research and innovation in the Field of cardiology. Advancing patient Care and Quality Academics in Cardiology is the Overall Goal of ICC. For More Information: http://www.icc-india.com/