- INDUSEM is born as an Intercontinental Institutional Partnership Initiative based on a Non Colonial Model. Founded by Emergency Physicians from AIIMS, New Delhi and University of South Florida Emergency Medicine in USA, INDUSEM got the support of the Emergency Departments and Faculty from State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center and Baroda Medical College. INDUSEM got grants from Drs. Kiran and Pallavi Patel Family Foundation, Drs. Rita & Kishore Ahuja Charities, AIIMSONIANS of AMERICA, Dr. G. Ramappa Charities and Dr. Chandresh Saraiya Charities. The Focus of INDUSEM is to Advance Patient Centered Initiatives in Education, Research and Care using Institutions of Learning in Health and Medicine across the World.
- First INDUSEM Summit @ AIIMS New Delhi
- The Academic Council for Emergency Traumatology (ACET) Founded Focused on Developing Academic Models for Emergency and Trauma Care.
- TEAMS The Newsletter Inaugurated
- Second INDUSEM Summit @ AIIMS New Delhi
- Entrepreneurship, Management & Technology Enhancement Center for Health (EMTECH) Inaugurated to advance Education Programs and Advancing Technology in Emergency Care.
- INDUSEM Begins Academic Activities with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Indian Council for Medical Research
- Translational Research in Emergencies, Trauma and Shock launched in India and ICMR creates a New Section on the same.
- Third INDUSEM Summit @ Nehru Center, Mumbai
- The Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock Inaugurated
- “Developing Academic Emergency Medicine in India” Landmark White Paper Published which laid the benchmarks for developing an Academic Training Program in EM in India.
- Fourth INDUSEM Summit @ AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka
- Medical Council of India Recognizes Emergency Medicine as a Post Graduate Specialty
- The INDO-US Academic Research Cooperative (INDUS-ARC) began as a Multi Centered Research Network between Institutions of Patient Care and Education.
- First Annual INDO-US Review Course in Emergency Medicine Conducted.
- Fifth INDUSEM Summit @ PSG Institute of Medical Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
- Academic College of Emergency Experts Founded to Build a Guild of Quality Emergency Physician Leaders
- INDUSEM Joins OPUS12 to create the largest Research Network in the World.
- Sixth INDUSEM Summit @ Baroda Medical College, Vadodara, Gujarat
- Academy for Clinical Emergency Nursing in India Founded to Build a Guild of Quality Emergency Nursing Leaders
- INDUS Network for Critical Illness and Injury Translational Trials Network Launched.
- INDUSEM Joins AIIMS in Hosting the World Congress of Emergency and Critical Ultrasound in New Delhi, India.
- AIIMS Advance Ultrasound in Trauma and Life Support (AUTLS) Course was created.
- INDUSEM Partners to host the Annual (CEUTEH) Cost Effective Use of Technology in E-Healthcare Congress
- Seventh INDUSEM Summit @ AIIMS, New Delhi
- Emergency Medicine Council for Residency Departments in India (EMCORD-INDIA) launched which brought all the MCI Recognized Emergency Medicine Residency Programs together.
- Eighth INDUSEM Summit @ Nashik, Maharashtra
- National Board of Examinations Approves Post Graduate Training Program in Emergency Medicine.
- ACEE Launches the Emergency Pediatrics Initiative.
- The landmark Paper”Academic College of Emergency Experts in India’s INDO-US Joint Working Group (JWG) White Paper on the Integrated Emergency Communication Response Service in India: Much more than just a number!” Published which laid the foundation for the Universal Emergency Number in India
- Ninth INDUSEM Summit @ Jubilee Mission Medical College and Research Institute, Thrissur, Kerala.
- 2014 Was a Landmark yearwhen INDUSEM began its 10th Anniversary Celebrations.
- Two Landmark Policy Papers were published on Trauma Sciences and Guidelines to set up an Academic Emergency Department in India.
- International Council for Critical Emergency Sonography Founded to bring Academic Emergency Sonologists across the world into a common network.
- JeevanJyotiRashtriyaAbhiyan and Jan Suraksha Abhiyan Launched. A national Community Wide Initiative for Life Support Education and Injury Prevention Awareness.
- INDUSEM joins hands with Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow to develop Management Initiatives in Health Administration to advance patient care.
- Tenth INDUSEM Summit @ King George Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
- BAPIO-UK Relationship Formalized.
- PRADHAN-BHARTI Policy & Advocacy Center Inaugurated.
- INDUSEM Postal Stamped Philatelic Cover Released by Government of India Commemorating 10 Years of INDUSEM Mission.
- Female Leadership Academy for Medicine & Entrepreneurship – FLAME launched.
- The Emergency Medicine Association was Born.
- INDUSEM Academicians ink the White Paper on Developing Academic Departments and Training Programs in Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
- INDUSEM-OPUS12 Launch the International Journal of Academic Medicine.
- INDUSEM Joins hands with World Health Organization to advance the Emergency Medicine and Road Safety Agenda in Asia.
- The Annual INDO-US Review Course in Emergency Medicine now incorporated by National Board of Examinations becomes the National Emergency Medicine Board Review of India Course (NEMBRIC)
- INDUSEM Awards Launched
- INDUSEM Summit Upgraded to being the World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine held @ AIIMS, New Delhi
- INDUSEM Leaders winAcademic Awards at National and International Level
- INDUSEM Leaders get appointed to AcademicLeadership Position at their Institutions.
- International Sonography Mission Spreads to Middle East, Europe, United States and South East Asia.
- INDUSEM Leaders get multiple research and innovation grants including the NIH Research Grant Award.
- INDUSEM-OPUS12 Ink a Global PubMed Indexed Multi-JGrantsournal Operating agreement under “Alliance for Science” Program.
- INDUSEM partners with National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and HealthCare providers (NABH) to bring the EMERALD Quality Certification Program for Emergency Departments in India.
- INDUSEM Leaders Join hands to host the World Trauma Congress at AIIMS New Delhi in India.
- INDUSEM and The Academic College of Emergency Experts sign Memoranda of Understanding with Academy of Family Physicians of India and the Institute of Road Traffic Education to expand the Education and Research programs in Prevention and Care for patients in Primary Care Settings and Communities.
- INDUSEM spearheads the founding of the World Academic Council For Emergency Medicine (WACEM)
- INDUSEM World Academic Congress of EM held @ St Johns Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, India.
- ICCES workshops and skill schools held across the world including Dubai, Canada and Thailand.
- Landmark Consensus Guidelines on Management of Low Risk Chest Pain in Emergency Departments and Management of Pediatric Fever in the ED published in PubMed Indexed Journals of INDUSEM, Indian Academy of Pediatrics and Journal of the Indian College of Cardiology.
- MOU signed with Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine.
- EMINDIA National Conference of Emergency Medicine launched by the Academic College of Emergency Experts and The Emergency Medicine Association.
- Multiple Public Health Programs on Community Preparedness and Injury Prevention held across India.
- Indian Leaders spoke and participated at multiple International Conferences outside India. They also wrote book chapters and lead independent initiatives across India to forward Emergency Medicine.
- INDUSEM supports the 2nd Annual Academic International Medicine Congress at Clearwater Florida. AIM2017 was the official meeting of the American College of Academic International Medicine.
- INDUSEM Patrons Dr. Kiran Patel and Dr. Pallavi Patel commit 200 Million USD to set up a Medical School in USA.
- INDUSEM Leader Dr. Deepak Agrawal creates world first Miniature Ventilator called VIRAT©
- The World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held in Colombo Sri Lanka.
- INDUSEM restructured as an ACEE-INDIA Initiative.
- Various State Chapters of The Emergency Medicine Association Inaugurated.
- Leaders of EMA won International Awards for their work in Medicine.
- INDUSEM Facilitated the Founding of the Organized Medicine Academic Guild of India with all Professional Clinical Medical and Surgical Societies/Associations in India.
- EMINDIA National Conference of Emergency Medicine was held in The Prime Ministers Constituency of Varanasi at the Banaras Hindu University.
- Multiple Public Health Programs on Community Preparedness and Injury Prevention held across India.
- Indian Leaders spoke and participated at multiple International Conferences outside India. They also wrote book chapters and lead independent initiatives across India to forward Emergency Medicine.
- The World Health Organization awarded AIIMS News Delhi with a Status of a WHO Collaborating Center on Emergency and Trauma Care under the Leadership of Professor. Sanjeev Bhoi.
- INDUSEM supports the 3rd Annual Academic International Medicine Congress at New York.
- The 4th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held in Doha, Qatar.
- Academic College of Emergency Experts (ACEE-INDIA) and Academy for Clinical Emergency Nursing in India (ACEN-INDIA) complete 10 Years since foundation.
- The INDUSEM Head Quarters at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Emergency Medicine get designated as The World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Emergency and Trauma.
- The INDUSEM – EMERGENCY CARDIOLOGY (EMCARD) Summit is inaugurated as an Annual Event to be held in GOA hosted by The Emergency Medicine Association of Goa.
- The EMINDIA National Summit and the Annual Convocation of ACEE-INDIA & ACEN-INDIA is a grand success in New Delhi.
- The INDUSEM Ultrasound Courses by the International Council for Critical Emergency Solography (ICCES) are held across the world including the United States.
- State Level Conferences are held across India by EMA and ACEE-INDIA as new chapters are inaugurated.
- Dr. Siju Abraham, Dr. Nishant , Dr. Ajit, Dr. Manu get recognized for their work across the World.
- The Annual Emergency Pediatrics and Injuries Congress is a success in Mumbai.
- VigyanCentral is inaugurated as India’s Thesis E-Library and Research Library.
- SATVIK Certification launched by INDUSEM to ensure Pure Vegetarian Alcohol Free Green Conferences.
- INDUSEM facilitates the creation of the World Collaborating Center for Acute Care in Sri Lanka in partnership with WACEM and WHO.
- The 4th All American International Medicine Congress is held at Philadelphia at Temple University.
- The 5th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine is held in Dubai UAE.
2020 Was the Year of COVID and the World Changed and INDUSEM Transformed
- The new INDUSEM website and New Logo was launched. www.INDUSEM.org
- INDUSEM was recognized as a Best practice model for developing Emergency Medicine in India by The World Health Organization
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine (DM) Program launched at AIIMS, Raipur
- The INDUSEM Head Quarters at All India Institute of Medical Sciences Emergency Medicine began operation as the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Emergency and Trauma.
- The EMINDIA2020 Summit went virtual and was held from October 2020 to December 2020 with Sessions for 3 hours every Saturday for 12 weeks.
- The EPICON2020 Summit and EMPART Review course both focused on Emergency Pediatrics went virtual and was held from In November 2020 till December 2020 with Sessions every weekend.
- Various Landmark Guidelines and Papers were published in PubMed by INDUSEM and WACEM Leaders on COVID Patient Triage, Ventilator Management, Home Oxygen Monitoring, Blind Spots, Supply Chain and COVID Primer.
- A COVID Central Dashboard was launched. https://www.indusem.org/blog/indusem-covid-central/
- State Level Conferences are held before the pandemic began in States of Kerala, Karnataka md Maharashtra.
- INDUSEM Leaders won Laurels at ACEP Awards 2020.
- Vigyan Central Education was inaugurated as India’s Online Gurukul for STEM Education. EM Gurukul launched in July 2020.
- The 6th WACEM World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine and 4th The All American International Medicine Congress went virtual as a Saturday Summit Format which ran uninterrupted till the end of October 2020.
- INDUSEM Fortified its Digital Capabilities to forward communication and educational models across the world.
- COVIPOCUS Virtual Congress held with WHO-CCET Partnership highlighting importance of Point of care ultrasound during the COVID pandemic.
- COVISIM Virtual Congress held with WHO-CCET Partnership highlighting Simulation Education in Medicine in purview of the COVID Pandemic.
- Andhra Pradesh Chapter also adapted to a virtual conference format.
- Saturday Summits Continued to generate landmark papers on Telemedicine and Pediatric COVID Preparedness.
- WHO-CCET rolled out the sensitization program to start the Faculty Development Program in Emergency Medicine across India.
- Various Landmark Guidelines and Papers were published in PubMed by INDUSEM and WACEM Leaders.
- COVID Central Dashboard continued to grow: https://www.indusem.org/blog/indusem-covid-central/
- The Azadi Ki Amrit Parikrama was held by Motorcycle Riders Supported by INDUSEM. These riders encircled India spreading the message of Road Safety and Emergency Care thus celebrating the Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav celebrating 75 years of India’s freedom.
- Weekly Virtual Grand Rounds in Emergency Medicine were launched with wide recognition.
- INDUSEM Leaders won Laurels at the virtual All American International Medicine Congress 2021.
- The 7th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held virtually with EMINDIA21 and EPICON21 over 10 days in December 2021. It was deemed a grand success.
- INDUSEM Fortified its Digital Capabilities to forward communication and educational models across the world.
- ASHWAMEGH faculty development program was launched in partnership with AIIMS Nagpur and WHO-CCET.
- The 100th Saturday Summit was celebrated with 12000 Attendees.
- In-Person NEMBRIC and EXAMATHLON were a grand success.
- WHO-CCET rolled out the sensitization program to start the Faculty Development Program in Emergency Medicine across India.
- The Azadi Ki Amrit Parikrama continued by Motorcycle Riders Supported by INDUSEM. These riders encircled India spreading the message of Road Safety and Emergency Care thus celebrating the Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav celebrating 75 years of India’s freedom.
- Kolar, Uttarakhand, rejuvenated the state level meetings.
- Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Kerala held in person state level meetings.
- INDUSEM Leaders introduced multiple intercollegiate quiz competitions across India to enthral interest in medical students to embrace a career in EM.
- INDUSEM Launched the INDUSEM Raksha Bandhan Suraksha Bandhan Initiative across India to celebrate the bond between Emergency Care Providers, Doctors, Nurses and Their patients.
- INDUSEM Leaders supported the virtual All American International Medicine Congress 2022.
- INDUSEM CEO Dr. Sagar Galwankar delivered a Motivating TED Talk at TEDx Bradenton in USA.
- EMINDIA2022 was held as a Conclave in Goa in October 2022.
- The 8th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia over 5 days in November 2022.
- INDUSEM advanced in Digital Education with the Evolution of 2.0 ASHWAMEGH faculty development program in partnership with AIIMS Nagpur and WHO-CCET.
- The Saturday Summit Crossed its 175th Week in 2023
- In-Person NEMBRIC and EXAMATHLON were a grand success.
- INDUSEM continued its tradition of the INDUSEM Raksha Bandhan Suraksha Bandhan Initiative across India to celebrate the bond between Emergency Care Providers, Doctors, Nurses and Their patients.
- State Level Chapters of Kerala, Tamil Nadu Puducherry, North-East, Himachal Pradesh held their state level and regional meetings in 2023 with great fanfare and success.
- EMA North East Launched the PEP Talk Weekend Webinars for Pediatric Emergencies.
- The EMCORD Live Web based grand rounds were started every Monday Wednesday and Friday from Jan 2023 and ran as a benchmark in Standardized PG Education.
- The Standardized EM-GURUKUL EMCORD Grand Round Program ran its Pilots at Parul University and AIIMS Nagpur in 2023.
- INDUSEM Leaders supported the In-Person All American International Medicine Congress 2023 at RUTGERS New Jersey.
- INDUSEM supported the Kerala Emergency Medicine Summit in March 2023 in partnership with Government of Kerala.
- EM BHARAT Divas was celebrated at various medical colleges in India.
- The INDUSEM Skills Mela was launched as hybrid training initiative for teaching the One Resuscitation Model.
- Dr. Praveen Aggarwal National CME was launched on the eve of EMINDIA23.
- Courses on Cadaver Thoracotomy and Emergency ECMO were also launched during EMINDIA23
- EMINDIA2023 was held at DPU Pune in August 2023.
- INDUSEM Co-Hosted the Prestigious APAMT2023 Asia Pacific Toxicology Congress in Trivandrum in November 2023 which was a grand success.
- The Pediatric Trauma Resuscitation Module was launched by INDUSEM in partnership with Government of India ICMR on 8th November 2023.
- WACEM TOPCOM Nepal was held in December 2023 as INDUSEM supported development of EM in Nepal in wake of the Nepal Earthquake in November 2023.
- INDUSEM Leaders participated in the Qatar Health Annual Congress in December 2023
- The 9th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held in Antalya, Turkey from 28th October to 31st October 2023.
- INDUSEM advanced 3.0 ASHWAMEGH faculty development program.
- The Saturday Summit Crossed its 250th Week in 2024.
- In-Person NEMBRIC and EXAMTHALON were a grand success.
- INDUSEM continued its tradition of the INDUSEM Raksha Bandhan Suraksha Bandhan Initiative across India to celebrate the bond between Emergency Care Providers, Doctors, Nurses and Their patients.
- State Level Chapters held their state level and regional meetings in 2024. success.
- STEM-GURUKUL entered its 2nd Year with Six Model Residency Programs taking shape across India.
- INDUSEM Leaders supported the All-American International Medicine Congress 2024 in Northwell Health NYC.
- EM BHARAT Divas was celebrated at various medical colleges in India.
- EMINDIA2024 was held at AIIMS BHOPAL in August 2024.
- The PTRM Module expanded across India.
- INDUSEM Via WACEM partnered with WestJEM to make it the official Journal of WACEM. It’s one of the Top 12 Journals of The World and is Medline Indexed.
- INDUSEM Leadership Invited to Geneva to participate in the creation of the WHO-Acute Care Action network (ACAN).
- INDUSEM Leaders participated in World Safety Congress 2024 in New Delhi.
- The 10th World Academic Congress of Emergency Medicine was held in Rome, Italy from 6th to 9th November 2024.
- INDIA won the Bid to host WACEM2025 in Mangaluru, India.
- Dr. Vimal Krishnan Pillai was elected to be the Next Secretary general of WACEM.